The master content administration system enables users to configure insurance policy offers. This includes policy specific verbiage that is displayed during and after the enrollment wizard process, coverage rate charts, and other supporting elements.
While the CMS handles E-commerce, the internal database Fiesta was developed to administer pre-existing policies. As the master policy tracking system, Fiesta monitors all the information and forms associated with a policy and its holder.
This information can be updated easily, is stored conveniently in one location when needed for claims, and can be utilized for marketing efforts.
The CMS and Fiesta database would not be able to centralize and manage their insurance policy offering and information from AGIA's many affiliates without a simplified enrollment wizard. The straightforward process is displayed on each affiliate's website with an iframe, allowing for a quick and easy transition for pre-existing websites.
Through a series of basic questions, the necessary information for both guaranteed and underwritten policies can be collected and sent to the CRM and Fiesta database.
Data for automated credit and check handling is also gathered during this process, expediting the recurrent billing process.
And lastly, the enrollment wizard can also aid marketing campaigns, using information from the Fiesta database to send both direct and electronic mail solicitations to new policy holders.